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CLI Reference


$ juicenet [OPTIONS] <path>
$ juicenet <path> [OPTIONS]
$ juicenet [OPTIONS] <path> [OPTIONS]


Positional Arguments Description
path Directory containing your files (default: CWD)
Options: Description
-h, --help Show a help message and exit
--config CONFIG Specify the path to your juicenet config file
--version Show juicenet's version number and exit
--public Use your public config
--nyuu Only run Nyuu in <path> (default: cwd)
--parpar Only run ParPar in <path> (default: cwd)
--raw Only repost raw articles
--skip-raw Skip reposting raw articles
--glob [*/ ...] Specify the glob pattern(s) to be matched instead of extensions
--bdmv Find and upload BDMV discs in cwd, can be used with --glob
--debug Show logs for debugging
--move Move files into their own directories (foobar.ext -> foobar/foobar.ext) and exit
--exts [mkv mp4 ...] Look for these extensions in <path>
--no-resume ignore resume data
--clear-resume delete resume data


If you don't feel like using --config every single time, you can use the environment variable JUICENET_CONFIG to hold the path of your config file. If set, this will always be used unless overridden by explicitly passing --config.



juicenet will automatically preserve structure for all folder uploads and discard them for singular files.

  1. Uploading the files in current working directory with config passed via the environment variable JUICENET_CONFIG

    Yep, that's it. That'll do the rest for you.

  2. Upload a single file

    juicenet "path/to/file.mkv" # config loaded from $JUICENET_CONFIG
    juicenet --config "path/to/juicenet.yaml" "path/to/file.mkv"
  3. Upload files from an arbitrary directory with an explicit config

    juicenet --config "path/to/juicenet.yaml" "path/to/files"
  4. Specify arbitrary extensions at runtime, ignoring the extensions defined in config

    juicenet --exts mp4 epub # CWD
    juicenet "path/to/files" --exts mp4 epub
  5. Upload all subfolders in <path>

    juicenet --glob "*/" # CWD
    juicenet "path/to/files" --glob "*/"


    Linux shells automatically expand the glob pattern before passing it to the command, quote the glob pattern to stop the expansion since we want juicenet to read those glob patterns.

  6. Upload all subfolders with the word "BDMV" anywhere in their name and all the subfolders that start with the word "UHD"

    juicenet --glob "*BDMV*/" "UHD*/" # CWD
    juicenet "path/to/files" --glob "*BDMV*/" "*UHD*/"
  7. Find and upload BDMV discs in current working directory automatically


    This may not be perfect, it simply finds BDMVs by looking for BDMV/index.bdmv

    juicenet "path/to/files" --bdmv
    Can be paired with --glob to further filter what you want to upload. For example, if you only want to find BDMV discs in folders that have the word "BDMV" and "UHD" in them, you would run the following command

    juicenet "path/to/files" --bdmv --glob "*BDMV*/" "*UHD*/"
  8. Only Upload E10 to E15 from a folder with all the episodes

    juicenet --glob "S01E1[0-5]" # CWD
    juicenet "path/to/files" --glob "S01E1[0-5]"